Data representation, types and structures; programming and function development; iteration, conditionals, functions and objects; documentation; testing and troubleshooting; tidy data structure; and a dive to data wrangling and visualization.
EDS 212: Day 5, End!
Course recap
August 9th, 2024
Day 1 - Algebra warm-up & meeting our tools
Math skills & concepts covered:
Tools & workflows stuff:
and usethis::use_github()
to connect to a remote repoDay 1 - Algebra warm-up & meeting our tools
Other stuff:
, then evaluated a function over all values of a sequence{tidyverse}
Day 2: Derivatives!
Math skills / concepts covered:
Tools & workflows stuff:
Day 3: Differential equations
Math skills / concepts:
Day 3: Differential equations
Tools & Workflows stuff:
git add
git commit
git push
Day 4: Matrices, summary statistics & data exploration
Math skills / concepts:
Tools & Workflows stuff:
Day 4: Matrices, summary statistics & data exploration
Other stuff:
, tail()
, dim()
, names()
, summary/describe, etc.){GGally}
, {ggplot2}
Day 5: Summary statistics, basic probability theory
Math skills / concepts:
Tools & Workflows stuff:
git pull
EDS 221 - Scientific Programming Essentials
Data representation, types and structures; programming and function development; iteration, conditionals, functions and objects; documentation; testing and troubleshooting; tidy data structure; and a dive to data wrangling and visualization.
Now: Please fill out your course evaluation